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Case Studies
Case Studies
The cost to repair just a single CSG downhole pump can be in excess of $150k. So what to do when a major facility shutdown event forces the need for hundreds of wells to be taken offline? Is a multi-million dollar finanical impact deemed acceptable as a justifiable cost of operation expense or is it avoidable?
Companies that operate within the energy and resources sectors often rely upon a number of asset management processes such as hydrocarbon accounting, production forecasting and production optimisation. These processes are business critical and service the core workflows of how companies convert human capital into commercial returns, as well as meeting regulatory requirements. However, many of the skills and capabilities required to effectively run these processes are often only acquirable through direct experience. How does your organisation approach succession planning?
End of year financial lookback assessments would always reveal the same anomaly and budget underspend would always predictably sit at a worrying minus 20%. Additionally, integrated activity planning (IAP) meetings would reveal low levels of schedule attainment and high levels of raised emotions as demand managers would compete for the limited available execution resources. Are you satisfied with your business planning processes?
Asset management systems work on the philosophy that the fundamentals of how value is created safely and legally, can be distilled into a suite of processes. When these processes are clearly defined and detailed, process owners can focus on governance and assurance activities whilst process practitioners are left busy to add value to the bottom line in a coordinated fashion that leverages best practice. Do you have robust processes in place?
The existing Project Management Office (PMO) was proving to be ineffective and project management accountability was fractured across multiple reporting lines and numerous budget owners, further compounding the issue. The company was losing a competitive advantage as key technology projects faltered for progress and Senior Management were exasperated as to who they could hold accountable for project delivery. What are the benefits of deploying an Agile work delivery model?
Given the expansive footprint of the growing mining site, water storage ponds were not co-located along side all the operational activity hubs. Significant volumes of water needed to be transported to ensure that water handling did not become a constraining factor to the integrated project schedule and no proposed solutions had been put forward to date. What were the landscape of options that formed a compelling business case?